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Happy New Year

It's heeeeeeere. 2018. The NEW year. Woohoo!

Every January I am amazed at the public commitments people put out there; to be a better person to others - a better wife, a better friend, a better parent - or to simply treat themselves better, be it through healthier food, more sleep, exercise, or daily meditation.

January 1 is this special day in which everyone gives themselves permission to let go of all the bad behavior, mistakes, neglect, and toxicity they've been holding onto and to (finally) start fresh. To reinvent. To find our happy and focus our intention there.

While some think resolutions are silly or meaningless, I couldn't disagree more. That rebirth we gift ourselves on the first day of each new year is such a wonderful ritual. To give yourself permission to re-focus, re-frame, and re-invent is awesome. And it doesn't have to be just once a year. As we head into 2018, I hope that you tackle the next twelve months with your resolutions in your heart and head. I hope that you allow yourselves to feel that fresh start each and every day. Heck, even hourly if you need to because no one is stuck in their own unhappiness. You have the ability to re-focus, re-frame and re-invent yourself and your world daily. Don't forget that.



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