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TINY Kitchen Bacon Balsamic Brussels Sprouts

Say that ten times fast.

It's fall, so that means Brussels are back in regular rotation in the TINY Kitchen! This is one of my favorite Brussels Sprouts recipes - so easy to make and so satisfying. The real secret to this one is using the best bacon. All natural, uncured / no nitrate smoked bacon is not only better for you, it's better tasting and will turn this side from good to great.





1/2 lb Brussels Sprouts

6 oz Uncured All Natural Smoked Bacon

1 tbs Olive Oil

1 tbs Balsamic Vinegar

1 tbs Honey

Salt and Pepper


  • Preheat oven to 425 degrees

  • Cut bacon into small pieces, set aside

  • Wash Brussels in a colander and shake to dry

  • Cut to remove the stalk end of each Sprout, and slice in each in half, placing cut Sprouts into large mixing bowl

  • Once all sprouts are cut, add bacon to mixing bowl

  • Next, add Olive Oil, Honey, and Balsamic, then stir until coated evenly

  • Lightly salt and pepper the mix

  • Pour the Sprouts and Bacon into a large glass baking dish, making sure mix is in a single layer

  • OPTIONAL: Add a light drizzle of additional honey across the top

  • Bake in oven for 30 minutes

  • Leaves should be lightly caramelized but not burned or charred

Serves 6 as side dish.

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